Member Help
Members App
Please open your Bromley Fitness app. Once you are logged in please select access control, main door and then unlock. This will give you access granted and will unlock the main door.
Tag Access
If you don't not have access to a mobile device we do have tags available that can be purchased at the gym.
App Troubleshooting
If your app is showing Access Error please Click Here to guide you through your app set up.
If you are not a member and you are looking to attend the gym for a tour, trial or general enquiry. You can call the reception desk via our intercom during staffed hours and our friendly staff will let you through.
Staffed Hours:
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Weekends: 09:00 - 17:00
If you require any other information that has not been stated please follow this link to visit further FAQS that could answer any further questions you may have. Alternatively feel free to send us a message via the contact us box below.